Poka integrated green farms

Type of organisation: Enterprise Support Organisation (ESO)

Number of years in operation: 3

Location: Box 2, Ghana – Upper East – Tongo

Tel: 233 244258629 | Email: miyellalydia1@gmail.com

Website: http://www.maaltaaba.org

Brief Description

We are the social enterprise that serves as a business hub for the beneficiaries of the Maaltaaba Peasant Women Farmers Cooperative (NPO).
We work with rural peasant women farmers who are made of widows, single mothers, school drop out and PWDs. Maaltaaba builds their capacity and helps them in their farming act I it uses. The crops commonly grown are cereals, vegetables, legumes and root and tubers poultry production and ruminanrs. As a social enterprise, we serve as aggregators for women produce. We are located in the Upper East region .

Type of Enterprise Support Organisation (ESO) Capacity Development Provider, Hub
Works With Entrepreneurs
Non Financial Support Provided Coworking, Technical Assistance & Capacity Building
Financial Support Provided None
Stage of Focus of ESO Growth
Stage of Business Entity Agriculture & Food, Environment