Footprint Africa

Type of organisation: Enterprise Support Organisation (ESO)

Number of years in operation: 6

Location: N/A, Ghana – Greater Accra – Accra

Tel: +233504472361 | Email:

Brief Description

Footprints Africa is piloting a new approach to advance the inclusive development of African economies, in particular looking at the role of the private sector in the environment and community. Starting with 2 sectors in Ghana, Catering and Industrial Waste Management, we are championing business as a force for good and trialing new business models that exemplify this. Simultaneously we are exploring how to drive that positive change at a sector level, based on principles of Circular Economy.

We talk about future-friendly practices; business models and practices which respect resources from raw materials to humans. We seek to prove that this level of respect shouldn’t be a sideline CSR project and can be the better commercial choice over the long term.

We talk about meaningful employment; that pays a livable wage, provides professional and personal development and sufficient security to allow people to plan for the future.

We talk about breaking the link between economic development and environmental degradation, maximising the life cycle value of resources and designing out waste.

Type of Enterprise Support Organisation (ESO) Accelerator, Capacity Development Provider, Foundation, Hub, Incubator, Research or Advisory Service Provider
Works With Entrepreneurs, Intermediaries
Non Financial Support Provided Accelerator, Coworking, Events, Fellowships, Technical Assistance & Capacity Building
Financial Support Provided Grant, Equity, Debt
Stage of Focus of ESO Ideation (Pre-revenue), Early, Startup (Post-revenue), Growth
Stage of Business Entity Agriculture & Food, Education, Energy, Energy, Environment, Health, Information & Communication Technology