Digi Women | TECHFARM Hub

Year started: February 1, 2022 | Current status: Programme ended

Business stage:
Ideation (Pre-revenue)

Agriculture & Food

Duration: 2 months | Mode: In Person | Participation Fee: Free

Number of participant accepted per cohort: 12

Location(s): Ghana – Eastern – Koforidua |

Brief Description

Digi Women is a flagship of TECHFARM Hub which seeks to empower Women led SMEs and Agribusinesses with E-payment, E-financial Management and E-banking skills.

Between February and March, 2022, in partnership with iSpace Foundation and its Gender Awareness Program (G.A.P) partners, MTN Ghana and Prudential Bank, TECHFARM Hub rolled out the maiden edition of Digi Women training with 12 trainees.

TECHFARM Hub is poised to scale up the initiative targeting womenpreneurs and Agripreneurs across the Eastern Region of Ghana.

StayInteractive with TECHFARM Hub via techfarmhubghana@gmail.com & 0249478734 .. Like and Follow @TECHFARM Hub on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

Training details

Describe the format of your programme.:

Through tailored trainings and hands on practice we expose participants to digital marketing tools and tools that facilitate market and investment linkages.

Brief detail of instructors used:

WH. Kobina Adomadzi Longdon

Current Partners and Funders

Implemented with: iSpace Foundation

Other partners and funders: MTN Ghana and Prudential Bank,

Support provided

Non Financial Support Provided: Events|Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Financial Support Provided: None