The National Female Pre Tech Training | Soronko Academy

Year started: November 21, 2022 | Current status: Programme ended

Business stage:
Ideation (Pre-revenue)

Information & Communication Technology

Duration: 1 months | Mode: In Person | Participation Fee: Free

Number of participant accepted per cohort:

Location(s): Ghana – Greater Accra – Accra |

Brief Description

Are you an unemployed female aged 18 to 35 years looking for your next life changing opportunity, then we have some exciting news for you. The National Female Pre Tech Training a Mastercard Foundation Young Africa Works program is back and better than ever!!!!
Do you want to learn to use latest technology and tools to create products in industries such as manufacturing and robotics

Apply for this Free 3 weeks training program on Digitizing Manufacturing by Ghana Tech Lab, Soronko Academy in partnership with Kumasi Hive, Kumasi and Noni Hub, Wa; which will prepare you for the Ghana Tech Lab Base Program, opportunity to land an internship or job and support to start your own business. The program runs from 21st November 2022 to 9th December 2022, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm

Training details

Describe the format of your programme.:

Brief detail of instructors used:

Current Partners and Funders

Other partners and funders: MasterCard Foundation

Support provided

Non Financial Support Provided: Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Financial Support Provided: None