Hatched Incubation Programme | hapaSpace

Year started: November 16, 2022 | Current status: Programme ended

Business stage:
Ideation (Pre-revenue)

Sector Agnostic

Duration: 3 months | Mode: In-person and Virtual | Participation Fee: 500

Number of participant accepted per cohort:

Location(s): Ghana – Ashanti – Kumasi |

Brief Description

The ‘Hatched’ program is our main incubation. The programme is sponsored by Indigo Trust, Open Society Institute for West Africa (OSIWA), Hapa Foundation and Hapaweb Solutions.

The ‘Hatched’ program is a business incubation program designed by hapaSpace for startups that have moved from the idea stage and are ready for market or have already launched but need further support.

Each year 10 startups are selected through an application process. The selected startups receive comprehensive business incubation support for 3 to 9 months.

Training details

Describe the format of your programme.:

• 3 months intensive capacity building training
• Access to a pool of mentors and coaches
• Access to co-working space at the hub
• Access to funding opportunities
• Coaching on proposal writing and pitching
• Free online profiling on our website
• Support in business registration and other regulatory requirements
• Networking events
• Two weeks BootCamp
• Field trips

Brief detail of instructors used:

Billy Bonsu, Laud Anthony, Rita Krampah, Amma Duncan, Albert Opoku, Gideon Brefo, Naomi Krokro

Current Partners and Funders

Other partners and funders: GIZ, British Council, Indigo Trust, Open Society Institute for West Africa (OSIWA), Hapa Foundation and Hapaweb Solutions.

Support provided

Non Financial Support Provided: Incubator

Financial Support Provided: None