Youth in MSME Programme | Ghana Enterprises Agency

Year started: | Current status:

Business stage:
Startup (Post-revenue)
Mature (Latest)

Sector Agnostic
Agriculture & Food
Culture (Media & Entertainment)
Financial Services
Hospitality & Tourism
Housing & Community Development
Information & Communication Technology

Duration: months | Mode: In-person and Virtual | Participation Fee: Free

Number of participant accepted per cohort:

Location(s): Ghana – – |

Brief Description

The Youth in MSME Programme is a Challenge Fund implemented by the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) under the World Bank funded Ghana Economic Transformation Project (GETP). The overall aim of the programme is to support productivity and competitiveness enhancing initiatives by high growth MSMEs to accelerate their growth.

The Programme will target high growth MSMEs across ICT, agribusiness/agro-processing, education, manufacturing, food and beverage, textile & garment, construction, tourism & hospitality, trade/commerce of locally produced goods, transport and logistics, healthcare, or pharmaceutical industries in Ghana.

Training details

Describe the format of your programme.:

Successful applicants will have access to 360 diagnostic self-assessment to help gauge capacity gaps in their operations. Successful applicants will further receive generic training to provide them on business management to augment their capacity. Qualifying applicants will have a detailed 360 diagnostic performed on their businesses to highlight strengths and capacity gaps. Tailored capacity support will be provided to the selected applicants to help address identified gaps. Applicants will also be eligible for catalytic grants as an additional incentive to spur enterprises competitiveness, innovation, and growth.

Brief detail of instructors used:

Current Partners and Funders
Support provided

Non Financial Support Provided: Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Financial Support Provided: Grant