The SME High-Growth Programme | Ghana Enterprises Agency

Year started: | Current status: Applications closed

Business stage:
Startup (Post-revenue)
Mature (Latest)

Agriculture & Food
Hospitality & Tourism
Information & Communication Technology
Infrastructure & Facilities Development

Duration: months | Mode: In Person | Participation Fee: Free

Number of participant accepted per cohort:

Location(s): Ghana – Greater Accra – |

Brief Description

The Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is implementing the SME High Growth Programme under the World Bank-funded Ghana Economic Transformation Project (GETP) as part of the government’s initiatives to promote private enterprise as a vehicle for promoting sustainable job creation and economic growth.

The SME High-Growth is a Challenge Fund under the GETP, aimed at providing productivity and competitiveness-enhancing support to small and medium-sized enterprises in targeted non-resource-based sectors.

The SME High Growth Programme will focus on high-growth small and medium-sized enterprises in selected sectors of the economy. The SME High Growth Programme will provide capacity building and financial assistance to boost the productivity and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises with high potential for scaling up their operations, increasing sales, and creating sustainable jobs. The Programme will focus strongly on youth and female-owned enterprises, enterprises owned by Persons Living with Disabilities, and exporting businesses.

The deadline for all applications is 22nd February 2023.

Training details

Describe the format of your programme.:

Successful applicants will have access to 360 diagnostic self-assessment to help gauge capacity gaps in their operations. Successful applicants will further receive generic training to provide them on business management to augment their capacity. Qualifying applicants will have a detailed 360 diagnostic performed on their businesses to highlight strengths and capacity gaps. Tailored capacity support will be provided to the selected applicants to help address identified gaps. Applicants will also be eligible for catalytic grants as an additional incentive to spur enterprises competitiveness, innovation, and growth.

Brief detail of instructors used:

Current Partners and Funders

Other partners and funders: The World Bank

Support provided

Non Financial Support Provided: Technical Assistance & Capacity Building

Financial Support Provided: Grant